How-to: run EGAD
EGAD is an R package for the functional analysis of gene networks. It contains a series of tools to calculate functional properties in networks based on the guilt-by-association principle.
The functions implemented here can be applied to gene networks constructed from a range of data types (e.g., protein-protein interactions, expression, etc) across a subset of species with available functional annotations (e.g., human, mouse, zebrafish, worm, fly and yeast).
You will need the latest version of R. Then install via bioconductor.
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Set up your annotations and network
Protein-protein interaction network
genelist <- make_genelist(biogrid)
gene_network <- make_gene_network(biogrid,genelist)
Aggregate co-expression network
nettype= label
gene_network = diag(length(genes.t))
bottom = row(gene_network) > col(gene_network)
colnames(gene_network) = genes.t
rownames(gene_network) = genes.t
gene_network[bottom] = temp
gene_network = gene_network + t(gene_network)
diag(gene_network) = 1
GO annotations
gogenes <- unique(GO.human[,2])
goterms <- unique(GO.human[,3])
annotations <- make_annotations(GO.human[,c(2,3)],gogenes,goterms)
Running GBA
aurocs_GO <- run_GBA(gene_network, annotations)
Comparing AUROCs
aurocs_GO_nv = aurocs_GO[[1]][,1]
aurocs_GO_nd = aurocs_GO[[1]][,3]
plot_density_compare(auc_GO_nv, auc_GO_nd)